Nehemiah Operational Excellence Mastermind

Wanting to run a Kingdom business with operational excellence?

Are you looking for a global entrepreneurial network of Kingdom entrepreneurs who are committed to collaborating to grow their companies with excellence using best business practices, biblical principles, and the supernatural power of God?

A mastermind is a peer-to-peer mentoring, creative, and problem-solving group that comes together to develop sustainable solutions for business problems. Nehemiah’s business excellence philosophy is based on best business practices, biblical principles, and tapping into the supernatural power of God.

business group meeting hor - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community
Nehemiah Mastermind course image - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community

The Nehemiah Operational Excellence Mastermind program brings business owners together virtually to address business problems using three powerful foundational guides. The goal is to help members excel in their business operations and achieve excellent results. The program, which meets quarterly for 12 months, includes a virtual deep dive with in-depth discussions on various business operational issues and comprehensive business solutions for sustainable business growth. While the sessions are virtual, at the end of the program, members join together in person for a best-practice business tour, fellowship, and to celebrate their combined achievements.

Nehemiah Operational Excellence Mastermind Objectives

To learn more, please write to [email protected]